East End Runners

So many decisions could have been bad!

Friday, February 21, 2025

February 23 Run/Walk: Meet at Tazza D'Oro, 1125 Highland Avenue, Pittsburgh 15206

February 23 Run/Walk: Meet at Tazza D'Oro, 1125 Highland Avenue

The rain didn't stop us, and Commonplace in Garfield was an airy, comfortable place to gather.  In another week, of grim news, there was the happy impossibility of Adrian Simancas swallowed, then upchucked by a whale.  In case anyone missed it, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMKO5NozLeY

From there, this blog-keeper was delighted by the language and culture questions posed by RG members. For instance, what's with those youngsters who say "on accident"?  Is that a Pittsburgh thing?

According to a non-human source, oldsters say "by accident," but those born after 1995, not just in Pittsburgh, say, "on accident."  Maybe this is because it's the opposite of "on purpose"?  Watch out; it might become acceptable.

Couldn't find anything marking when "experience" became "lived experience," but I was gratified to learn that plenty of people have an issue with servers asking, "Done working on that?"  One grump posted that, "It makes me think of a horse with a feed bag on its face."

If you search on line, you'll find reports from many irritable diners complaining about such locutions as:  "Do you need another drink?"  (Do I look like I do?)

AI says it's become "More accepted in casual settings" for men to wear hats indoors.

"On line," instead of "in line" is a regional usage, mostly in the NY area.

And "It's all good" originated in 1994 with a song called, "It's all good," by Hammer, a rap artist.

                                                  A Thanksgiving of turkeys

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