From there, this blog-keeper was delighted by the language and culture questions posed by RG members. For instance, what's with those youngsters who say "on accident"? Is that a Pittsburgh thing?
According to a non-human source, oldsters say "by accident," but those born after 1995, not just in Pittsburgh, say, "on accident." Maybe this is because it's the opposite of "on purpose"? Watch out; it might become acceptable.
Couldn't find anything marking when "experience" became "lived experience," but I was gratified to learn that plenty of people have an issue with servers asking, "Done working on that?" One grump posted that, "It makes me think of a horse with a feed bag on its face."
If you search on line, you'll find reports from many irritable diners complaining about such locutions as: "Do you need another drink?" (Do I look like I do?)
AI says it's become "More accepted in casual settings" for men to wear hats indoors.
"On line," instead of "in line" is a regional usage, mostly in the NY area.
And "It's all good" originated in 1994 with a song called, "It's all good," by Hammer, a rap artist.
A Thanksgiving of turkeys
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