We met at Mechanic Coffee on Ellsworth Street but after our delightful walk/run through Shadyside determined that something was happening at Mechanic Coffee and that our large and in charge presence was most likely not welcome. So onward to Arriviste Coffee Roasters. "Arriviste," which the New Oxford Dictionary defines as "an ambitious or ruthlessly self-seeking person, especially one who has recently acquired wealth or social status."
We (none among us "ruthlessly self-seeking") had a fine time sharing engagement and marriage stories. Our stories included pretty down-to-earth engagements: one on the phone, one "because it was about time"; one in front of Margaret Morrison. These days, though, the knee is a big thing. Down on one knee, you Arriviste!
Endorsements included:
Pearl Nails on Murray & Hobart Streets
Dishwasher gloves, either from Costco or Whole Foods
PetVet 365
Cochran Auto in Monroeville
And if it isn't too late, the below item is or was on sale from Eddie Bauer.
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