East End Runners

So many decisions could have been bad!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Jan 23 Run: Linden School for an East End run really

Meet at Linden School (on Linden Ave just up from Beechwood). This time we will run through the East End past sites like Westinghouse Park, East End Brewery, Construction Junction etc. Last time we planned this it was just too tempting to run through Frick Park and if the weather does a complete change about we could do so again but looking at the forecast that seems unlikely.

Our run today continues to be one of my favorites - it is mostly flat, has spectacular views, travels near water, touches on downtown and ends up with warm pastries at La Prima - what could be better! The view from the 31st Bridge was just breathtaking this morning - the river was calm, reflecting the banks, the city seemed to appear out of the water in a amethyst haze. We had a good size group and practically took over La Prima. Cheryl graciously fed the group on out of the oven pastries hand delivered from Enrico's - yum!

Roye, Paula The Brit and Iain had a longer than I would expect (but I obviously underestimate hedgehogs) conversation about hedgehogs while running and PtB sent the following link so all of us can learn about them too:
I've never eaten hedgehog but the crisps (chips) were good.....

Finally watch your email for details of a EE Runners cross-country trip on Saturday, Jan 30 (if there is snow).

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