Our run today continues to be one of my favorites - it is mostly flat, has spectacular views, travels near water, touches on downtown and ends up with warm pastries at La Prima - what could be better! The view from the 31st Bridge was just breathtaking this morning - the river was calm, reflecting the banks, the city seemed to appear out of the water in a amethyst haze. We had a good size group and practically took over La Prima. Cheryl graciously fed the group on out of the oven pastries hand delivered from Enrico's - yum!
Here is a map of the route: http://www.mapmyrun.com/view_route?r=176126373825950664
Roye, Paula The Brit and Iain had a longer than I would expect (but I obviously underestimate hedgehogs) conversation about hedgehogs while running and PtB sent the following link so all of us can learn about them too:
I've never eaten hedgehog but the crisps (chips) were good.....
Finally watch your email for details of a EE Runners cross-country trip on Saturday, Jan 30 (if there is snow).
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