East End Runners

So many decisions could have been bad!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Jan 25 Run: Playground at 5th and Beechwood and a MLK Holiday Run

Flat run next week through Shadyside led by Virginia. Meet at the playground where Beechwood ends at 5th Ave.(I think this is Mellon Park but am not sure).

In celebration of this particularly meaningful MLK holiday and hopefully the Steeler win, there will be run starting at the Coffee Tree at 7:30 AM tomorrow (Jan 19).

Roye and I were not visualizing snow, slush and clouds when we thought up the Lovely Lawrenceville run but that is what we got. Still the state seals were worth the effort as was the site of the city waking up in a gray/rose/misty dawn. Although I have quickly passed through Lawrenceville, I had not realized how nice it was these days. The streets looked very quaint through the curtain of snow that fell of and on through the run. The Stephen Foster House (not really where he lived but it is where Roye's daughter lived) looked just like the set of the Nutcracker. The run to the run was tiring in the conditions but very promising. It is definitely a run to re-visit.

We had a particularly spirited coffee discussion today covering Facebook (ask to join the EE Runners group!) and internet privacy. And if I missed anything it is because I am still tired from that run :-)

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