East End Runners

So many decisions could have been bad!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Jan 18 Run: 40th & Butler Sts for a tour of Lawrenceville - rides available from the Coffee Tree

In honor of the upcoming inauguration, there will be an inaugural run across the 40th st bridge to see the state seals, then a tour of trendy Lawrenceville - don't miss this one! We will start from the Rite-Aid parking lot at the NW corner of the intersection of 40th and Butler Streets: (http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=Butler+St+%26+40th+St,+Pittsburgh,+Allegheny,+Pennsylvania+15201&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=27.366321,52.03125&ie=UTF8&cd=1&geocode=FdyAaQIdI987-w&ll=40.470212,-79.962337&spn=0.006399,0.012703&z=16&g=Butler+St+%26+40th+St,+Pittsburgh,+Allegheny,+Pennsylvania+15201&iwloc=addr)

Carpools will leave from the Squill Coffee Tree at 6:20 AM. Please send a note if you need a ride or can provide a ride.

Lawrenceville does have coffee places but Dozens, Coca Cafe and Crazy Mocha, all of which are close to the starting point do not open to 9AM or later (those Lawrencevillers must be lazy slugs). I will keep looking....

Roye was sure no one would show up on such a cold and icy morning. Demonstrating that we are tougher than that, 15 people decided it was a good morning for a run. Although there were definitely slippy spots, the footing was not as bad as imagined and perhaps energized by crisp air, the group mood was upbeat. The streets were quiet and the snowy landscape was a calm antidote the busy holiday season just ended.

For those that are on Facebook, I created a Facebook group for East End Runners (first a blog, now this!). If you would like to be a part of this (we are not yet sure what to do with the group), ask me to be your friend and I will sign you up.

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