Meet at Tom's house (5434 Aylesboro - near Forbes Ave) this coming Sunday to see panthers in Holiday attire. I must have missed this run in the past because others were not as mystified by the theme as me. Turn up to satisfy your curiosity.
Today was the Run of the Seven H's: Happy Holiday Huffy Hilly Hanukkah Run - OK only 5, but I could not resist the reference to the feast of the seven fishes. Julie led us on a roller coaster run (hills are good, hills are good....) through Squirrel Hill where we saw at least seven Menorahs and found out that there was a Hanukkah Parade being held today. Although it was overcast it was a pleasant day to see our neighborhood wearing the trappings of various holidays surrounded by the last patches of our first big snow.
A few of us extended the camaraderie over coffee at Julie's beautiful house. Topics of conversations ranged from teen-age daughters ( those of us with boys can only wonder how different that experience is) to recommendations for carpet installers. I am continually grateful for the knowledge and depth of friendship freely shared by this group with so little demanded in return.
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