East End Runners

So many decisions could have been bad!

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

January 26 Run/Walk: Meet at Beechwood Nature Reserve, 614 Dorseyville Rd, Pittsburgh, PA 15238

January 26 Run/Walk: Meet at Beechwood Nature Reserve, 614 Dorseyville Rd, Pittsburgh, PA 15238

If it warms up it might be muddy at Beechwood Farms, so consider wearing or bringing footwear that's good in muck.

But what's a little mud?  "Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night... "

"...stays these women from the swift completion of their appointed rounds."  

 When we returned to Biddles, the star of the morning was the Infant of Prague, beloved by some of us and a total stranger to others.  Here he is, freed by Sharon and ready to rule after "five decades in a box."  

Endorsements included a visit to Pittsburgh's first Women's Sports Bar when it opens in February. 

Group Fight at the JCC, where you're supposed to hit the instructor.

Costco's heavy running shirt with thumb holes for only $10.00.

Turtle fur gaiters and hats.

From Beth, our resident water and sewer expert:

        Check your homeowners policy to see if you have optional insurance         for underground utilities.

        In very cold weather, run a drip if your faucet is near an outside wall.


And here, in civilian clothes at Con Alma.  Lucky runners!

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