East End Runners

So many decisions could have been bad!

Thursday, January 30, 2025

February 2 Run/Walk Meet at Ka-Fair Coffee & Cakery, 1806 Chislett Street, Pittsburgh 16066

February 2 Run/Walk:  Meet a Ka-Fair Coffee & Cakery, 1806 Chislett Street, Pittsburgh 16066

We got snow-covered trails at Beechwood Nature Reserve and afterward met up at Tu Y Yo Cafe, a special little place with a play area and a case full of Venezuelan treats, savory and sweet.  So many choices!  We ate, discussed the joys of farmers markets and CSAs, and heard about the Worm Ladies and composing. Yay worms.


Worm Return https://wormladies.com

Who Cooks For You Farm  https://www.whocooksforyoufarm.com/

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

January 26 Run/Walk: Meet at Beechwood Nature Reserve, 614 Dorseyville Rd, Pittsburgh, PA 15238

January 26 Run/Walk: Meet at Beechwood Nature Reserve, 614 Dorseyville Rd, Pittsburgh, PA 15238

If it warms up it might be muddy at Beechwood Farms, so consider wearing or bringing footwear that's good in muck.

But what's a little mud?  "Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night... "

"...stays these women from the swift completion of their appointed rounds."  

 When we returned to Biddles, the star of the morning was the Infant of Prague, beloved by some of us and a total stranger to others.  Here he is, freed by Sharon and ready to rule after "five decades in a box."  

Endorsements included a visit to Pittsburgh's first Women's Sports Bar when it opens in February. 

Group Fight at the JCC, where you're supposed to hit the instructor.

Costco's heavy running shirt with thumb holes for only $10.00.

Turtle fur gaiters and hats.

From Beth, our resident water and sewer expert:

        Check your homeowners policy to see if you have optional insurance         for underground utilities.

        In very cold weather, run a drip if your faucet is near an outside wall.


And here, in civilian clothes at Con Alma.  Lucky runners!

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

January 19 Run/Walk: Meet at Biddle's Escape, 4012 Biddle Ave. in Wilkinsburg - and don't forget MLK Day run/walk at 61C at 7:30

On Sunday we'll head back to Biddle's - and this time we'll stay inside - and engage in some wintry forest bathing in Frick Park to clear our heads of what will be happening Monday.  This may actually require burying our heads in snow. Speaking of Monday, we will at least be able to honor the Reverend King as we have our usual holiday run, starting at 7:30 at the 61C.  

Last Sunday, so many murals!  We were all over Upper Lawrenceville and Garfield, down alleys and up hills, and carried the just-out-of-the-oven toothsome pastries from Jak's Bakery over to Yinz Coffee, where we laid them in a straight line on our now customary table, and gleefully partook.  We embarked on a 3-napkin discussion which can only be touched on here:

  • Campervans - they are awesome.  There is a terrific VW one called the Californian which is NOT available anywhere in the US.  When they do get here, you can use them to go to Big Pocono State Park and see amazing views.
  • You can also drive to Jamestown NY, which has the National Comedy Center, as well as the Lucy & Desi Museum.  If you can't go there, at least watch:  The Long Long Trailer.
  • And then of course there is Scrotum, PA, recently visited by Wendy.  It is not recommended.
  • Apparently the World's Best Chocolate Chip Cookie is at Nancy B's Bakery in Homestead.
  • And the World's Best Pullover is this one
  • Joanne started her career on the Ricki and Copper TV Show - maybe this one?
  • Concerning ex-husbands, "it's best not to upcycle men."   


Saturday, January 11, 2025

January 12 Run/Walk: Meet at Trace Brewing 4312 Main Street in Bloomfield

January 12 Run/Walk: Meet at Trace Brewing 4312 Main Street in Bloomfield

And here's a photo from last week's HP run:

(Thanks Joanne!)

Thursday, January 02, 2025

January 5 Run/Walk: Meet at the Tazza D'Oro, 1125 N. Highland Ave.

We'll meet in the familiar space of Tazza D'Oro in Highland Park, maybe salute the hallowed ground of Roland Ford's line dancing, maybe see the sunrise over the reservoir, maybe take an alternate foray into Morningside - sigh, wish I could be there this time.

Last week was another twofer, Five Points and Homewood Cemetery (aka The Cemmie) and New Year's Day at 61C.  Rain and snow was predicted but the weather gods sheltered us as always.  Confident of that, 15 of us showed up on Sunday! Or possibly it was the heavenly aromatic baked goods at FP.  Crows were gloriously abundant, as they always are in the winter dawn.  There was talk too boisterous to cover adequately, but a few highlights:
  • Delightful wedding accounts and photos raised all spirits.
  • There are heated vests!  Now on sale.
  • Save the date - the Small Hours Trio (with their remarkable vocalist) will be at Con Alma Jazz Bar on Sunday, Jan. 19, 5 pm.
  • Mittens continue to be made.  We are reminded that these evolved from the very same pattern made famous by Bernie Sanders.  Sewing tips on these available from Elaine, Wendy, and Roye.
  • There was something about kedgeree and Kate Winslet, not sure if they were related.
  • Watch:  Landman, Somebody Somewhere, The Three Body Problem.
  • Vieques is luminescent.  And so is the sunrise these days (see photo.)