East End Runners

So many decisions could have been bad!

Friday, May 06, 2022

May 8 Run/Walk: Meet at Oakland Starbucks - 4022 Fifth Ave. - for a visit to the Shrine

We're meeting in front of the Oakland Starbucks, across from Soldiers & Sailors, to make the annual Mother's Day pilgrimage to the Shrine of the Blessed Mother! Ahead of time we can start praying that the rain will stop.  Also that absolutely everyone doesn't have COVID by then because that looks like a possibility.  Also that Russia stops bombing innocents to smithereens, and our country doesn't become a fascist theocracy, and our planet is saved from atmospheric armageddon.

OK, let's start over.  We have each other!  Do bring a warm jacket and maybe even your mittens in case we decide to sit outside - it does promise to be nice though on the cool side.  Coffee and treats will be available at several cafes on that block.  

I'm sad I missed last week - which included the treat of an impromptu coffee at Wendy's and at long last a view of the sparkling renovations.  Endorsements can wait.

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