Let's meet at the Aspinwall Riverfront Park, 285 River Ave., and get acquainted again with that adorable district. Why a sudden change in our location, which we agreed would be spring-infused Frick Park again? This is why. Thanks to an alert from our roving correspondent Aimee, I figured we should probably avoid a run-in with a very large snake identified by the Pittsburgh Zoo as a Black Rat Snake, and also described as "massive." Even if they catch it - what if it had babies? And let's hope that bear hightails it out of Mt. Washington.
Also I checked with this coffee place that is a few blocks from the park and they will be open at 7:30 am on Sunday. We can get takeout from there, or maybe they have outdoor seating. At any rate, there should be a place to kibitz at the park. Maybe bring a chair.
In non-threatening-wildlife news:
- Shout-out to Erika!
- Prantl’s bakery is coming to Squirrel Hill on Forbes Ave in the building next to the Dollar Bank. (Who else thinks that the almond torte is seriously overrated?)
- We recalled this awesome article about Max’s Dad at 101.
- Inspiration for Sunday's location - future trails from Aspinwall up to the East End and down to Verona.
- Galit sends this, from a PA doctor (actually this is about threatening wildlife): If anyone is looking for a covid vaccine(Pfizer), call the Heritage Valley Health System at 724-770-7555. They have a TON of openings starting next week, and the call center said they are being instructed to be very flexible in their scheduling as to not waste vaccines. So even if you are not 1A, I recommend you call and ask! The clinics are in Robinson and Monaca.
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