East End Runners

So many decisions could have been bad!

Friday, November 16, 2018

Nov. 18 Run: Meet at the Abbey coffeehouse, 4635 Butler St. Lawrenceville

Did we pick a place for Sunday?  No idea, so I'm going for the cozy Abbey Coffeehouse at 4635 Butler St. and a Lawrenceville - or maybe Allegheny Cemetery - run, since the parks are pretty muddy right now.  And outdoors is darkly atmospheric these days, so this sort of fits the Victorian ambience.  Wear your corsets!

Last week we honored Squirrel Hill and the tragedy that took place there, with hopes for moving forward with love, justice, and care for each other, and gratitude for the beautiful solidarity of our Pittsburgh neighbors. When Jewish towns were burnt to the ground in 19th century Russia, nobody said, "Sorry for the pogrom!" The mutual sorrow and kindness that happened here, and around the world, has been so uplifting.

And we contributed another full house at 61C where we took up most of the tables, and probably air in the room, while endorsing:
  • Millennials! They are our hope for the future (Baby Boomers having screwed up, it must be admitted) and we forgive them for running up the prices in thrift stores.  
  • Speaking of millennials, hurray for Sarah and Kristin for running yet another marathon (the Bobcat) and then showing up to run with us the next day!
  • How about those House races that keep flipping?  We now have a member of Congress named Xochitl
  • The return of Tom (and Kay) and his brilliant and knowledgeable contribution to our discussion of Steelers uniform variations.
  • "Librarian Chic" - aren't they all?
  • Enix Brewing Company - more great beer in Homestead.
  • Not only is the Wednesday weekday run back, so is the Friday!  Squirrel Hill Library corner:  be there at 5:45 am.

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