East End Runners

So many decisions could have been bad!

Monday, March 05, 2018

March 11 Run: Meet in front of Tazza D’Oro in Highland Park for a tour of Morningside

Joanne has agreed to lead us through Morningside and we are always happy to follow Joanne wherever she takes us! Don’t forget to Spring Forward those clocks to keep up with your smart phone…

It was a surprisingly robust turn out for this past Sunday’s run, given temperatures in the low 20s! But the warmth we generated, including hugs, cashmere mittens, and endless chatter sustained us all. We followed the theme of What’s New in Oakland and found out that the answer is: A lot! New staircase (with an irresistible invitation to trespass), Posvar Hall renovations (though not the first run to include escalators), new student housing, new hotel, new high end apartments, and a new-to-us old city staircase. Sorry, no notes from coffee…


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