The run was in Regent Square last weekend and hit some favorite stairs in the neighborhood - I'm still on the DL so just biked there in time for coffee and chat. (Reminder: anyone can show up for coffee!) As we reminisced, we realized that our group coffee habit began in the early 2000's as Virginia and Michelle discovered they had a little time to kill after a run. And then Lainy reminded us that the whole week-to-week thing pre-dated email and that the upcoming route was transmitted by human voice alone. "We actually said it!" This seems like science fiction. Endorsements, however, are a more recent phenom.
Here are a few:
- The Medóc Marathon, in Bordeaux, France which has 23 wine stops. (We can dream.)
- (As I looked that up, I also found that the Guardian newspaper - for which, thumbs up! - also has an entire section on Running.)
- Someone recommended a book called the "Love of Running" which I can't locate on Amazon, but which may be "For the love of running" by Rudrani Devi, but it also might be "Train your brain to love running with self-hypnosis," "Get off your ass and run: a tough love running program," "Stop running from love" or possibly "All's fair: love, war, and running for President."
- For handyperson recommendations, besides Angie's List (which requires subscribing) try Thumbtack.
- For getting rid of stuff, there are Off the Floor, Thriftique, and Freecycle. Nextdoor lets you post to your neighbors and also is the essence of nebby.
- Isis and Trixie (pictured) seen at the former Fire Engine Park on my way back. (Couldn't let this go without a photo.)

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