On Sunday we'll meet at Colfax School on Beechwood Blvd. Maybe we'll revisit the new Frick Environmental Center? Or the secret entrance to the park via rope line? Plans were sketchy, in fact I'm not even sure this was the locale, but we'll go with it. Coffee most likely at 61C. Coming soon: annual holiday run downtown!

Last week we ran at dawn, and tweaked a familiar route along Penn Ave in East Liberty - first paying respects to the once hopeful Democratic campaign HQ in Bakery Square (
alav hasholom) and then heading up into high Garfield where Pam posed with an alarming crocodile and we encountered a bunch of whimsical decorations and a terrific view.

At coffee by the fireplace, we were treated to a celebrity visit by the adorable Iggie (his grandparents came too) and heard about the new
Quantum Theater opera, wedding wardrobe malfunctions, and families and t
heir mishegoss. (All this Yiddish - must be the holidays!)
Thanks to group photojournalist Sarah for the photos!
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