We're starting (at 7) and finishing (at 8) at Pam's house at 2200 Beechwood Blvd., which is also the starting point for the Great Race (which begins at 9:30), more or less. So park anywhere in the general vicinity, and it would make sense to check the road closures ahead of time. Pam has offered to provide coffee (and helpfully, toilets) at her house at 8 (thank you Pam!), for the RG finishers and the Great Race starters.

Coffee at 61C, where we had a welcome visit from Judy, who has become a happy Californian, and where we learned the sad news (for us) that Audrey will go back to being a Virginian soon - now who will help us with Mah Jong? Stay tuned for news of a post-run coffee at Wendy & David's to bid farewell.
A few endorsements, fairly random:
- Chef's Table TV show
- Old fashioned names - Harriet, Sylvia, and others that I can't remember
- Cemetery plots at Homewood Cemetery - even if you're not really buried there
- Votespa.com - will answer all your questions about voting, i.e. registration, absentee
RG now has 125 people on the list. We should have a party.
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