So we're crossing a river! On Sunday we're starting at Aspinwall Beans 'n Cream on 16 Brilliant Ave.
(map) - checking out a whole new neighborhood.

This is not really a shlep, so don't kvetch - as we discussed along with various other yiddish words last week, including ufsalukhus (sp?), which Lainy uses to great effect but when I've tried to find it, all I come up with is
koolasuchus, some kind of Australian dinosaur which may or may not be related. All this occurred at the cozy Big Dog Coffee place at the end of a pretty great South Side run. We visited the origination spot for the
StepTrek, ran down many adorable residential streets, discovered the new part of the trail overlooking another marina, and climbed on various ancient steelworks relics. We also witnessed the big development going on at the former Duquesne Brewery -
the Brew House Lofts. As we came in from the cold, Big Dog had a fire going in the fireplace - some of us just stayed and stayed.

As a result, many endorsements:
- Coats with up-zippers
- AmeriCorps
- Videos for yoga and training:
- Dish restaurant on the S. Side
- Zenith restaurant for vegans/vegetarians
- Starbucks new Clover Brewing system
- Annual Mindfulness Fair (was last week,) the Center for Mindfulness, and mindfulness in general
- There are now so many podcasts that we like that we are recommending whole groups of podcasts: Radiotopia Network, and Panoply (from Slate)
- Not really an endorsement but some really weird thing about whispering over the internet called ASMR
- The Running Group's ability to communally problem-solve - twice!
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