It's Inflatables Time! We're starting and ending at the 61C Cafe in Squirrel Hill and will try to make an efficient circuit of the most unusual and outrageous holiday inflatables in a 2-mile radius. This will be a group effort, so try to keep the address of your favorite one in mind. My own favorite was the Virgin Mary on the North Side (
pictured here) which we saw last year on that terrific run led by Cheryl - but I guess that's too far. Hopefully we'll come up with some challengers this time.

Last Sunday was the running equivalent of comfort food: Downtown revisited in its holiday best in the early morning, no traffic, great turnout (more than in the photo!) and led once again by Tom. We then had the antique and homey elegance of the William Penn lobby practically to ourselves, after viewing the new and improved ice rink, the hundred gingerbread houses (from afar this time), the Vatican-sized creche, towering lit-up Christmas trees, some totally charming store windows (a surprise now that Macy's/Kaufmann's is defunct) especially the one below from the Children's Museum, and 2 unexpectedly decent menorahs.

The Shrine to Famous Lawyers at Tom's place of work was magnificently, um, lawyer-like. We gazed up at the sparkling new
Tower at PNC Plaza and are trying to figure out how to get inside one day.
This may sound like we didn't run at all, but we did - honest - more than 4 miles according to Aimee's watch! But with stops.
I have no notes from coffee and so endorsements will have to wait, but storytelling was definitely a theme - and we are still trying to get a group to go to a Moth StorySLAM - next one apparently is
Jan. 5 at the Rex - let's try!
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