Last week I not too hopefully asked for ideas for the Squirrel Hill runs, assuming there is nothing new under the Forbes@Murray sun, but how wrong I was. PtB and Iain took us out some unaccustomed streets over to Fernwald and its romantic view of a misty sunrise all the way down to the Carrie Furnace, not to mention a surfeit of stunning mid-century modern homes, all expertly described by Wendy. Our sadly unfulfilled search for holiday decorations last week was totally redeemed in many yards this time, especially one on Marlborough that absolutely ruled them all and included tiny dancing and singing snowmen (photo thanks to Pam.) Then on Sunday Pam took us into every hidden cul-de-sac off of Beechwood and Shady (good interval training as every one goes straight uphill.) More architectural gazing at secret mansions we never even knew were there (how many Pittsburghers are in the 1%?) including the Scaife estate on Braeburn Place, which as you can see below is creepily blocked out on Google Maps street view. Now that's power.

Had to race back with bagels for visiting rambunctious nephews, so no endorsements recorded - though feel free to write in with anything essential.