Our autumn excursion through Schenley Park last Sunday was a little early in the month to be radiant, but it was still lovely as always. Actually as a native New Englander, I think its leafy pride is a bit much - the colors there are almost day-glo - it's kind of a juvenile taste. Here fall is more subtle, like a nice burgundy compared to Kool-Aid. And, speaking of subtle, it's Stillers season!
Multiple endorsements of all kinds bubbled up:
- Off the Record - like the Capitol Steps but all about Pittsburgh, courtesy of our amazingly talented news/film/radio/TV workers and supporting the Food Bank - go see it next year!
- adorable town of Cambria, CA - where Judy is headed temporarily - she says come visit!
- the fact that Wendy knit sweaters for her bridesmaids
- Five Points Bakery - can't say it too many times - have you tried the Tahini Cookies?
- our resident judicial expert says: David Wecht and Hugh McGough. Also Eat That Read This (also endorsed) additionally supports Christine Donahue and Kevin Dougherty. And apparently if you select individual names instead of a straight party vote it carries more weight and is known as a "power vote" but maybe I should make sure I have that straight...
- not exactly an endorsement but it's got to be said: Trader Joe's has gone bonkers over pumpkin. I think there's pumpkin pizza dough - maybe pumpkin brie - it's nuts.
- the Neapolitan Novels by Elena Ferrante, starting with My Brilliant Friend - PLEASE read them so we can discuss! 1500 pages goes by in a flash!
- And here we got totally psyched about TV series:
- Frankie and Grace
- Orange is the New Black
- The Good Wife
- The Affair
- Veep
- House of Cards
- The Newsroom

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