East End Runners

So many decisions could have been bad!

Thursday, April 03, 2014

April 6 Run: Return to Regent Square, 61B Cafe on Braddock

(Sorry about that last blank message - fingers slipped)

This Sunday Michele has offered to introduce some surprise features in this Regent Square run starting at the newly discovered 61B cafe on Braddock.  We can only hope that FINALLY we won't be discouraged by a major ice storm.

Last week, my personal example of RG synchronicity at the downtown run: last minute discovery of no car - caught the 71C bus from Pt. Breeze at 6:50 - got off at Smithfield at 7:20 - headed past the Wm. Penn (saw Darryl) - then a pit stop at the Greyhound Bus Station (nice facilities) - over to the underground pathway at the Convention Center - emerging riverside at the exact moment that the group was passing directly across the river (clearly spotted due to Sandy's dayglo jacket) and met halfway across the 7th St. Bridge.  Enough said.

The usual delightful gabfest at La Prima (though only apricot meles available) with the following endorsements:

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