East End Runners

So many decisions could have been bad!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Nov. 24 Run: Strip Run, starting at 21st & Liberty parking lot

It's the time of year when we are thinking a lot about food, so it makes sense that on Sunday we'll be reconnoitering that mecca of Pittsburgh eatables - the Strip, starting at the 21st and Liberty Ave. parking lot.  It's also newly interesting because a chunk of it is being proposed for the National Register of Historic Places - so we should definitely circle that area (15th-22nd sts. between Railroad St. and Liberty Ave), while saluting Parma Sausage, Lotus Foods, Wholey's, Penzey's, PennMac, Enrico's, Reyna Foods, Stamoolis, the Banh Mi lady - ah, I love you all.

The first word of my notes for last Sunday is "water", which could mean a lot of things, but probably refers to the unheard-of occurrence of rain falling on the run, which it did. (The chutzpah!) We circled Squirrel Hill, visiting the infamous "smoking stairs" of Wendy's teen years and the recently liberated-from-vehicles stretch of Pocusset.  Only slightly dripping as we trooped in for coffee, we started talking about food again.

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