East End Runners

So many decisions could have been bad!

Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Oct. 6 Run: Start at Biddle's Escape on Biddle & S. Trenton for a special Wilkinsburg run

Expanding our latest tradition of politically-involved runs and local discoveries, Aimee has talked Wilkinsburg Council member Mike Lefebvre into taking us on a tour of the multiple churches (and other outstanding sights) of Wilkinsburg, starting and ending at the charming Biddle's Escape coffeehouse.  Not to worry about missing the Giant Rubber Ducky - we'll visit him (her?) the following Sunday.

Last Sunday, we anticipated the slowly gathering hordes of Great Race runners in Squirrel Hill, and made a grand tour through a yellowing Frick Park and Homewood Cemetery in what was simply perfect autumn weather.  A delightful run, despite the cvetching about Pittsburgh hills (I include yours truly) which, let's face it, is like complaining about sand in Death Valley.

Endorsement:  Stretching
Non-endorsement:  the "scraper"


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