East End Runners

So many decisions could have been bad!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Nov. 4 Run: PPG Place downtown for 3Rivers/3Bridges run

Next up (assuming that downtown isn't underwater) is the famous 3Rivers/3Bridges run starting at the fountain/skating rink at PPG Place (aka Tomb of the Unknown Bowler.)  If it is underwater we'll get Anne Jane to give us rowing lessons.  Subsequent coffee probably at Commonplace but not entirely sure.

Our run Sunday was the "Bird" run of sacred memory - all round Squirrel Hill - however, it no longer has any bird related to it, and was in fact done in reverse (thanks PtB) so perhaps could now be called the Drib run.  We did see a fairly weird ghostly inflatable, and as always, the rain held off for exactly our running time.  Our coffee socializing was so extreme that I have covered both sides of a napkin in red scrawls and still despair of getting it all.  So, endorsements:
  • Running Group homework - see TED talks:  Your body language shapes who you are - and - Stroke of insight
  • Totally comfy Costco running shirt modeled by Galit, so it looked gorgeous, only $24.99
  • Kindle-mania:  the Paperwhite surfaced and was marveled at. Apparently if you have Amazon prime, you can borrow e-books as well as buy them.  (But you can also borrow them from Carnegie Library and read them on a Kindle app on any device.)  AND there is such a thing as an Amazon Mom which could be a fierce female warrior giving birth, but also leads to great discounts on diapers.
  • Vinyl records, which are coming back.  Is there hope for real books?  Is there hope for real humans?
Elaine confirms, through complex calculations having to do with age of daughters, that RG is coming up on its 20 year anniversary!  Party time again?  You bet.  Much excitement and pre-planning - Schenley Ice Rink?  Brooklyn?  Glasgow?  (We miss you, Anna!) Stay tuned.


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