East End Runners

So many decisions could have been bad!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Aug. 19 Run: Schenley Park starting at Wendy Bennett Trailhead

Next week’s run: Schenley Park starting at the Wendy Bennett Trailhead (Aimee reflected that we haven’t been seeing much of lovely Schenley Park this summer.)  Coffee at Commonplace of course.

Yesterday was just perfect running weather, and we headed out to the hidden streets of Morningside and Stanton Heights – endless hills and a scene like a 1960’s movie set - to end up at Mildred’s Daughter’s Farm,  a tiny spot of rural homesteading in our own Gotham City.  Also traversed more zucchini and tomato fields, a serious bocce court, and the customary bushwhacking shortcut discovered by Teri. 
PtB, our mapmeister, has kept track: http://www.mapmyrun.com/routes/view/123773011

Chat at the hip Tazza D’Oro started out with vacation recommendations including one for a group trip to the new Brooklyn Bridge Park, but really got interesting as we dived deep into female medical matters – runner MD’s: where were you? – to be continued!  Tom, Jonathan, David: you definitely want to be there -

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