East End Runners

So many decisions could have been bad!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Jan 2 Run: Common Place Coffee, Jan 1 Run: same place at 7:30 AM

Continuing the holiday run theme, all runs will start from Common Place Coffee. The New Year's Day run will start at 7:30 AM so everyone can sleep in ;-)

A very few of us had a lovely snowy Christmas run through Homewood Cemetery on Saturday, complete with deer - it was a beautiful morning. Today a different few people showed up for the hilly "bird" run - a good calorie burner after the holiday excesses. But, despite the indulgences (or perhaps because of them) we continued the food theme in our coffee chat. A day trip to Cleveland's West Side Market (http://www.westsidemarket.org/) was considered after Elaine's enthusiastic description. The virtues of butter; bacon Brussels sprouts and figs; as well as Indian spiced okra were discussed.

But here is the secret to our ability to consume and a good reason to keep getting up early to run!

HEALTH   | December 15, 2010 
Well: Phys Ed: The Benefits of Exercising Before Breakfast 
A new study suggests that exercising on an empty stomach can combat a high-fat, high-calorie diet. 

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