East End Runners

So many decisions could have been bad!

Monday, August 02, 2010

August 8 run: Wendy Bennett Trailhead/Schenley Park

Next Sunday's run will meet at the Wendy Bennett Trailhead at Schenley Park, but will surprise you by NOT taking the usual route, courtesy of Elaine.

Yesterday's run traversed a leafy and somewhat dusty Frick Park, and Karen thoughtfully devised a route that was somehow almost all downhill. We were delighted to be joined by celebrity alum, Janet, and marveled at how our conversations over the years have spanned magnet school and career choices, often for the SAME kid. Post-run, we find ourselves now ineluctably drawn toward Commonplace Coffee; and I've let too much time go by to remember our conversational gems, but we continue to add to our list of recommended workpeople (take that, Angie's list!), Pittsburgh's wedding venues can involve large retired Steelers, and there were mixed reviews of the Megabus, but you can't beat a $15 roundtrip ticket to NYC.

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