East End Runners

So many decisions could have been bad!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

2/28 Run: Coffee Tree Again

Because weather, roads and trails are unpredictable these days, we are going to stick with the safe choice and meet at the Coffee Tree in Squirrel Hill next Sunday. There is definitely a pent up demand for more interesting runs but they may have to wait for a few weeks....

The roads were clear enough for us to run through Chatham and Shadyside this morning with only a few encounters with ice. A fair number of people turned up, consequently coffee hour was rather loud but entertaining as always. One side of the table discussed the very Pittsburgh comment: "Kennywood is open", discovering that several at the table had no idea what it meant. With travelers returning from the UK and Austin, a daughter trekking in Thailand, new job possibilities on the offer, healthcare options for older children now available - there was not just not enough time to hear it all!!

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