East End Runners

So many decisions could have been bad!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Dec 27 & Christmas Runs: Coffee Tree, Squirrel Hill

Since quite a few people are traveling coming week we decided to save the downtown run until the weekend after New Years. For simplicities' sake, next Sunday's run will start from the Coffee Tree in Squirrel Hill. There will also be a run from the same place on Christmas Day beginning at 7AM. If you don't celebrate this particular holiday or can sneak out of the house, come join us on, what is always a pleasant start to the day.

I hope everyone got the change of venue mail and no one was waiting at Phipps or at PPG place for everyone to appear. In the future, if the weather looks dicey please check your email for any last minute changes.

After making the decision to move the run, it took us a while to figure out exactly where we wanted to go from the Coffee Tree. Homewood Cemetery turned out to be a perfect choice. They had plowed, there were no cars, the winter scenes were classic and we saw 5 deer - what a better way to spend a snowy winter morning.

Safe and happy travels to everyone heading out to interesting and warm places!

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