East End Runners

So many decisions could have been bad!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Nov. 1 run - Coffee Tree, but at 6:45 for Marathoners, 7 for the rest

Agreed upon yesterday in Coffee Tree, but possibly open to change:

Marathoners - will meet, some with cars, at the Coffee Tree at 6:45 (run begins at 7:30 on the South Side - all the info: http://www.spiritofpittsburgh.com/.) At least two of our group yesterday pledged to drive. Here's what the race website says about parking: "Southside Works is a retail mall type of facility and they have both garage and outside parking lots as well as on street parking in and around this area."

Non-marathoners - will meet at the Coffee Tree at 7 for an spontaneously-generated run, all possibilities are open!

Don't forget - clocks move back an hour the night before!

Yesterday's 3 Rivers/3Bridges run was predictably glorious, rising sun glinting off the water, perfect temperature, trees at their best fall color . The dedicated group that started in Squirrel Hill/Phipps appeared so energized that they looked as if they could have done it all over again. Amy showed us an amazing gadget you can wear on your wrist that maps, measures and records everything run-related, probably including how much coffee you drank afterwards.

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