East End Runners

So many decisions could have been bad!

Friday, May 31, 2024

June 2 Run/Walk: Meet at Bitty and Beau's Coffee, 1920 Smallman Street in the Strip District

Last week was a holiday weekend so we had the pleasure of meeting up twice.  On Sunday, we met at a really warm and friendly Thai- and woman-owned coffee shop called K-Fair (the owl has a story!) and ran  through Stanton Heights and Morningside.  Runners saw wild turkeys with affectionate courtship displays.  Janet looked it up: "In early spring, males gather in clearings to perform courtship displays.  They puff up their body feathers, flare their tails into a vertical fan, and strut slowly while giving a characteristic gobbling call."

Endorsements included:

  • Tecnu for removing poison ivy oil;
  • Nordstrom for special occasion shopping;
  • Pretzel Shop in the South Side for delicious treats and pre-pandemic, pre-inflation prices;
  • Facebook groups: Great Allegheny Passage/C&O Canal Enthusiasts and Pine Creek Rail Trail 
  • Specialized bike shoes that tighten & loosen with the touch of a button
  • Pocono Biking for fabulous organized group rides in beautiful locations!

Monday morning we met at 61C Cafe and enjoyed the familiar streets and warm, familiar faces of our lovely group.  More emphasis on the last bullet point endorsement with more stories from Elaine from her Erie Canal trip.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

May 26 Run/Walk: Meet at K-Fair Coffee, 1806 Chislett St. in Morningside

Next, we're going deep into Morningside, meeting at the Ka-Fair Coffee & Cakery, 1806 Chislett St. (map).  A memory arises of a run some time ago, heading down Morningside Ave. when we were abruptly joined by some random guy - in pajamas? naked?, something like that - who peeled off later without identifying himself.  Adventure awaits!

Last week we forest-bathed along the leafy Frick Park trails - no naked man in sight but plenty of birds, wildflowers, and other critters.  Under the shady porch at Biddles, we scarfed down buttery treats from Madeleine's a block away and dwelled on nostalgic and other random thoughts:

Thursday, May 16, 2024

May 19 Run/Walk: Meet at Biddle's Escape, 401 Biddle Ave. in Wilkinsburg

We'll start at one of our faves, Biddle's Escape on the corner of Biddle and S. Trenton, and maybe sashay over to Frick Park to experience its springtime glory.  

Last week we celebrated Mother's Day by basking in the presence of three of RG's Founding Mothers, Elaine, Beth and Susan.  Half of us ran to the Shrine of the Blessed Mother, and the other half walked the historic Bird Run, invented by Susan in the glorious olden days.  (But the Bird, to quote Rick Sebak, is one of the things that aren't there any more.) 

So many people came!  We took up half the space in the 61C patio.  Too much talking to record much but heard the following:

Wednesday, May 01, 2024

May 5 Run/Walk: Meet at the Frick Park Bowling Greens (Reynolds and S. Lexington in Pt. Breeze)

Meet at the stone circle next to Frick Park Bowling Greens (map) in Pt. Breeze.  Best parking is on Reynolds at S. Lexington.  You'll need to figure out the best way to arrive considering the marathon road closures.  Then after the run, coffee at Jane's house (a few blocks away)!

Last week covered the Strip on the Lawrenceville end, but centered on Art All Night, which was as always quirky and weirdly fascinating - Pittsburgh to the core.  Our second time at the local James Cafe found us in a delightfully cozy room to ourselves, with sunny windows, decent coffee, but so-so scones.  Also the best schmooze and endorsements:

  • Scone-wise, the fondly recalled Panera's orange ones, which are apparently easy to duplicate at home
  • Jak's Bakery in Bloomfield - also formerly endorsed - has an outlet in the venerable year-round Saturday morning East Liberty Farmer's Market.  
  • Pino's Restaurant in Pt. Breeze, no longer the sad place you go when you can't get into Point Brugge.  Especially with the new back patio.
  • Kimicata Brothers landscaping (but what's their attitude towards leafblowers?)
  • The bluets , now happening in May.
  • Also in May - weekend RG bike rides have begun - stay tuned!
  • Jazz at the Pittsburgh Winery.
  • Though we love to jointly plan and kvell about weddings and their accoutrements, there is something to be said for the courthouse.