- Kudos to Pittsburgher Chef Mike Solomonov and his fabulous Philly restaurants (with of course a personal RG connection.)
- Gretchen's tale of her granddad and the famous 1936 St. Patrick's Day Flood - when the entire staff of Hornes Dept. Store slept in the mattress department.
- 60's era holiday treats (?) that some of our children actually want - the historic green bean casserole and ambrosia salad. But nobody wants chicken in aspic (except apparently someone named Kukla.)
- Great food movie: Julie & Julia
- We learned that what we eat in childhood is significant because the stuff the kills us accrues. Oy vey. Speaking of which, watch the Marvelous Mrs. Maisel.
- From then we progressed to the French Revolution, reading The Tale of Two Cities and also Ribbons of Scarlet. From that title, we progressed to sex toys. (No details will be given.)
- And later, pet cremation, My Octopus Teacher, and finally, baby kangaroo rescue in Australia.
East End Runners
Wednesday, December 25, 2024
December 29 Run/Walk: Meet at Five Points Bakeshop, 6520 Wilkins Ave. in Pt. Breeze (and New Year's Day holiday run, 61C at 7:30)
Thursday, December 19, 2024
December 22 Run/Walk: Meet at the Wm. Penn lobby for the annual Dahntahn Holiday Run
We'll go back to the William Penn Hotel Lobby, (map) dear to our hearts, to start our annual appreciation of holiday extravagance in our fair city.
Last week was.a delightful scamper through Allegheny Commons Park and environs. Tasteful holiday decor in the Mexican War Streets, a historic garden, Lake Elizabeth slightly frozen over, the condors at the Aviary and a rundown from Tracy who works there, George W. on his horse, and then a cozy gathering at Yinz Coffee, which we hope will survive the encroachment of bigshot Starbucks across the street. So much to discuss.
- Uncommon holiday movies: The Holiday Movie, It's Complicated, Something's Got to Give, Love Actually.
- And old movies: Meet John Doe, High Noon, Our Town (with Paul Newman - and Grant reminds us he's from Shaker Heights.)
- Pearls - we want them to come back.
- There is a Macbook sale at Costco
- You can get deals on next year's streaming services for Black Friday, which unfortunately is already past. Maybe still available?
- Friday Night Lights to reboot soon. Connie! Her hair!
- When do boys have awareness? Around 40 was the consensus.
- Why does the text chain for the group have a chili pepper identifier 🌶?
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
December 15 Run/Walk: Meet at Yinz Coffee, 2 East North Avenue, Pittsburgh 15212
We all fit into the beautiful back area at Big Dog Coffee, moved quickly past Trump's odious cabinet and staff nominees and got down to important business:
For instance, the upcoming holidays. What do we get the new girlfriend -- well, actually, the girlfriend who's been around for eight months.
Socks, mittens, candles.
Mostly socks.
And if they're moving in together?
"Nice socks. Like Bombas."
Or a little traveling jewelry box, something girlie and personal but not too personal.
Or, for a young man, a card holder, bearing in mind that it's impossible to interpret what goes on in the brain of a 20-something boy.
A resounding "no":
(A Christmas gift for your therapist.)
A responding "Absolved!"
(To Janet, who used Cliff Notes instead of reading A Tale of Two Cities.)
Winner of the Good Neighbor Award:
For socks that last forever Bombas
For computer repair, or if you need to have your passport or identity verified. Even the state department trusts Kevin's Computers
Dor sound equipment purchase or repairs. "That place above Jerry's." Galaxie Electronics
A Christmas Memory - by Truman Capote
This writer will miss Yinz Coffee and Yinz walkers & runners until 20025. Cheers to everyone!
Thursday, December 05, 2024
December 8 walk/run at Big Dog Coffee Shop, 2717 Sarah Street
We're meeting at Big Dog Coffee Shop, with its wonderful back room. If they can't accommodate us post run/walk we'll check out the diner across the street.
Last week we said hello again to Bloomfield, where we got to see bright murals and the childhood homes of Beth's Paul. Trace Brewery was closed so we convened at Ineffable Cà Phê, which is described on its website as being "too great to be described in words."
Way more ineffable, at least to me, was getting to see, or to meet for the first time, Elaine's Beth.
Beth is a big fan of "Love is Blind," which features pods of "ridiculously good-looking single people in the US, UK, Argentina, Dubai, and... elsewhere.
And while we're recommending TV shows, catch "Somebody Somewhere," in its last season.
And "Outlander," that perennial favorite.
And Gretchen, another perennial favorite. THIS WEEKEND ONLY. Read below.
Then come home and consider taking a trip to the Outer Banks, (North Carolina), Vieques, (Puerto Rico), and Berlin.
Monday, November 25, 2024
Bonus Thanksgiving Run/Walk at 7:30 on November 28 at 61C on Murray Avenue AND Sunday 7:00 Run/Walk at Trace Brewery
Sunday, December 1st we'll meet at Trace Brewing.
We had our first taste of winter on Sunday, when we meandered among the dead in Homewood Cemetery, where segregation persists, even after death. Some of us, paused in front of "Motherless," the sculpture of a man holding a small child. We were silent, perhaps contemplating the awfulness of losing one's mother. The sculpture wasn't actually the original, Roye told us, and after further research I learned it doesn't memorialize anyone in the Mellon family either. It was in the garden of James Ross Mellon until his heirs decided to move it elsewhere.
Next we convened at Five Points for some fantastic post-walk/run treats. This meant we either overcame, forgave, or were uninformed about their mouse infestation, at least until reaching the doorway with its posted notice that acknowledged the "recent Health Department Inspection Report." The detailed sign set out the management's ways of remediating the mouse problem and affirmed that their "ingredients and production spaces have not been shown to have mouse related issues."
"Mouse related." There's a fine euphemism.
We made no mention of mouse anatomy.
Or mentioned mouse poop while devouring the scones, muffins, lemon poppyseed Danish, etc.
We learned from Virginia that to handle dough you need confidence. (Actual dough, not "dough," as in money.)
And from Elaine that when you have an intractable computer problem, call IT and it will instantly resolve.
The story of the 95-year-old woman who plays mahjong twice a week and has all her marbles was cited as proof that mahjong is good for the brain.
And some endorsements:
From Beth, the Always Pan 2.0, which comes with a steam basket.
For stunning recipes, the beloved Jerusalem cookbook, by Yotam Ottolenghi and Sami Tamimi.

Wednesday, November 20, 2024
November 24 Run/Walk: Meet at the South Dallas Avenue entrance of Homewood Cemetery
We walked, we ran, we played dead in Allegheny Cemetery in Lawrenceville, and I guess we liked it so much we're heading to the Land of the Dead for our next walk and run.
Was meandering past all the tombstones the reason why our initial conversation, when we finally landed at Mediterra, was about health insurance, a joy-killer of a topic. We learned that we're all confused. Maybe some useful information was shared before we moved onto a happier topic.
Sharon's birthday!
Then a mystery: Once upon a time there was a crown. What happened to it? This, I think, is part of the origin story we newcomers are eager to hear. (Or maybe it's just this newcomer.) Like, if it was your birthday you had to wear a crown? That maybe it had candles and was embarrassing and inappropriate? Maybe it was made of fabric? Maybe X stole it? Maybe photos exist and it had something to do with the Brits?
Fantastic baked goods at Mediterra
Check Etsy for all Pittsburgh-related objects. You can even get bridge earrings.
Mary Ann has a coffee urn she's eager to share.
See A Real Pain at the Manor.
Play mahjong at Roye's.
Sunday, November 10, 2024
November 17 Run/Walk: Meet in front of Mediterra, 5202 Butler St, Pittsburgh
We had another gorgeous walk/run in Frick Park. It was bright and brisk, the trees still hanging onto their leaves, and there was Gretchen, back on her own two feet.
Thank you, Janet, for the terrific spread with sweet and savory offerings. Maddie, you were an all-around Good Dog.
It was much more fun talking about food than Trump, so food dominated our conversation. For instance: we talked turkey. Virginia cook the turkey in a 20-year-old clay pot, where it is steamed in apple cider and butter. Want to try the cheesecloth soaked in butter? That's Linda's method. Deep-fat frying in the backyard? Not sure anyone was actually recommending this.
We talked cranberry sauce: the old-fashioned slimy kind, marked with ridges from the can had a fan (Janet) Only Jane endorsed Mama Stamberg's Pepto-Bismol-colored cranberry sauce.
We talked cabbage! Janet got a cabbage from her CSA, and in extremis, cried, "What can I do with a cabbage the size of my head?"
We were ready to help.
Janet retrieved the cabbage. Friends: it was the size of her head.
We extolled the virtues of cabbage and offered a recipe. We then moved from green cabbage to green paint chips and weighed in on the perfect green for Janet's kitchen renovation.
Other endorsements: Maren Cooke's sustainability salons
Nancy Silverton's book, The Cookie That Changed My Life: and More than 100 Other Classic Cakes, Cookies, Muffins, and Pies that Will Change Yours.
Ron Donoughe's upcoming open studios.
The Jimmy Stewart Museum in Indiana, PA
Department of Unanswered Questions:
Does anyone know what alternatives there are to the Camino Trail?
Thursday, November 07, 2024
November 10 Run/Walk: Meet in front of Colfax School, 2332 Beechwood Blvd, Pittsburgh.
We'll start our run/walk at Colfax and meet up at Janet's afterward for coffee and consolation. Her address is 2815 Shady Avenue.
Did Sunday feel like it belonged to a different life? Yes it did. We were young then, and full of hope. We were happy hanging out at 61C, even though it lacks ambience and has sub-par pastries. We got to see photos of Elaine's beautiful mother-of-the-bride dress, which has a short-sleeved jacket and covers the knees. In that long-ago time, the big question was this: Do we have to cover our recreation-scarred knees? Or should we rock them?
Many agreed that grooms should rent their suits.
All were outraged that the florist ghosted Elaine.
Whatever the snag, we knew: "Hannah can figure it out."
We were cheered to hear that Gretchen is back on both feet.
And never want to hear an anesthesiologist ask: "How much anesthesia do you want?"
(At this moment, a lot.)
Endorsements and advice:
Mahjong for the next decade of our lives -- it's social and you have to use your brain.
See Concave before it leaves the Manor Theater.
Always bring your headphones when you have to wait on line. It makes the waiting... fun, especially when you're listening to a thousand-hour book, or a series like Frozen River, which is highly recommended for fans of Outlander.
Friday, November 01, 2024
November 3 Run/Walk: Meet at the Wendy Bennett Trailhead in Schenley Park. Change your clocks - Fall back!
Meet at the Wendy Bennett Trailhead in Schenley Park. And change your clocks – fall back! Newcomers: the legendary Wendy Bennett Trailhead is unmarked, but easy to find, on the corner of Greenfield Rd. and Overlook Dr. Here's a map.
Last week, two new walkers joined us on the Annual Halloween Decoration Walk, Jan, who arrived with her golden retriever, Ruby, now unofficially, Ruby 2, and Ann, who worked on the Hilary Clinton campaign with Roye.
Post walk/run we had some fabulous treats at Roye's, including homemade kugel, babka from Zabars in NYC, and Jane's famous frittata.
Braking news: Earlier in the week, Sharon stopped her car so Elaine could cross the street.
Runners can still catch up with Jonathan in Squirrel Hill on Wednesdays and Fridays with a new (late) start time of 6:00 AM.
Many new Kamala endorsements, including a batch of ultra-conservative Republicans, e.g., James Murdoch.
- The babka from Zabars in NYC was delicious, but babka-lovers can also order from Zingermans.
- Not delicious, and hopefully not useful: Jane endorses her orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Aaron Taylor
- Ignik Foot Warmers – they’re foot-shaped and last up to 72 hours.
Podcasts worth listening to:
- “My Senior Year” high school kids from Gaza – This American Life
- “How I Survived”
Friday, October 25, 2024
October 27 Run/Walk: Annual Halloween in Regent Square viewing, starting at Roye's house, 1017 Milton St.
Let's meet at my house (1017 Milton St. in Regent Square) and head out to see the many wild Halloween decorations that grace our neighborhood. Virginia knows where the best ones are.
Last Sunday, we finally got the timing right to see the sun rise over the Highland Park reservoir, which was at its late October spookiest. This was followed by a scrumptious brunch at Joanne's, and our accustomed scintillating conversations which should have been recorded but instead have vanished, ghost-like. The one salvaged recommendation was the Annual Ohiopyle Buckwheat and Pancake Supper, which somehow, magically, made you "almost forget that politics existed." Sigh.
Friday, October 18, 2024
October 20th Walk/Run: Meet at Tazza D'Oro, 1125 N. Highland, for a Highland Park run.
We'll see how the trees have been transformed in Highland Park, and listen to the autumn crows, meeting at old favorite Tazza D'Oro, 1125 N. Highland.
Last week had us reveling in the fall extravaganza of Frick Park, around which runners made a full circuit (see below) and took in some early spookiness in the neighborhood. Discussion under the tent at Biddle's was rich, and endorsements tended towards the health-inducing, particularly the gin:
- Read: The invisible life of Addie Larue, Tell me everything
- Eat: LOTS of protein, the gram equivalent of twice your weight in kilos (something like that). Also: Yogurt at the East End Food Coop, both Bulgarian and La Fermiere (the cutest). Or make your own.
- Watch: You are what you eat, a twin experiment
- Save: a pig, via Pig Squealers Rescue. They need you.
- Clean: with SalSuds Biodegradable Cleaner
- The Saturday East Liberty Farmers' Market - open all year!
- Hoopla from Carnegie Library is terrific.
- Gunpowder Irish Gin
- Not sure about what you put on your face, or elsewhere? Look to EWG.
- No question, hair product works.
Friday, October 11, 2024
October 13th Run/Walk: Meet at Biddle's Escape (401 Biddle Ave. in Wilkinsburg)
We'll meet on Sunday morning at Biddle's (at Biddle and Trenton in Wilkinsburg) and get a head start on this neighborhood's famed Halloween decor on the way to Frick Park, starting to turn gold right now.
Reporting on last 2 weeks, one in Edgewood and the other Downtown: both had great weather, sights, comradeship, photos and endorsements:
- Pros and Cons of the JCC locker rooms: fancy or regular. Fancy is a bit pricey, but you get extras (sauna, free classes) and regular has more nakedness (which could make you feel somewhat better, comparatively.) Concerning the classes, Group Power is not for the accident-prone.
- Watch Nobody Wants This on Netflix
- Delightful visits from Galit, and my friend Leslie
- Updates on births and weddings, resulting in statements: "my 2 ex-husbands have never entered my house" and "every marriage is an intermarriage."
- Discovery that the renowned Tom Paxton was staying at Gretchen's house that weekend!
- Biking trips - next group one will be the Hudson Valley Tour in May. Recommended: Vermont Biking Tours (I think this is it.)
- En route to or from said trip, do not put your wallet on the top of the car.
- Visit Bryce Canyon, much prettier and less crowded than Grand. Also, get your Senior Pass to National Parks. This is more useful a Real ID, instead of which you can generally use a Passport Card.
- Don't forget to request your free Covid test (OMG why do we still need it.)
- May we all be written into the Book of Life, wherever you think it might be. And may Kamala and company be written into all the Ballots too.
Friday, October 04, 2024
October 6 Run/Walk: Meet at the new La Prima, 1100 Smallman St. for a downtown excursion
We'll check out Oktoberfest dahntahn and start off at the newer La Prima, at Smallman St. at 11th, across from the Convention Center.
Lots to say but no time, except for this:
Excellent volunteer opportunity - Mission of Mercy, a free, two-day dental, vision and hearing clinic that serves patients in need, happening Nov. 1-2. Endorsed yearly by RG! See more and sign up here.
Next week: double the fun!
Friday, September 27, 2024
September 29 Run/Walk: Meet at Spigolo Cafe, 101 Edgewood Ave. in (where else?) Edgewood.
A new find, c/o Elaine: we'll meet at the Spigolo Cafe, 101 Edgewood Ave. (map). Don't worry about Great Race traffic - we have it on significant journalistic authority that this won't be a problem. And Edgewood is always an elegant surprise.
Last week: we await the tales of our intrepid Grand Canyon bikers! But our buoyant stay-at-home group got to Schenley Park and back to 61C and produced a 3-napkin confab with endorsements that can only be touched on here:
- Books to TV series: Mick Herron's Slow Horses series or books, Carl Hiassen's Miami books or Bad Monkey on TV.
- Just TV: A very royal scandal, Madam Secretary, Call My Agent,Veep, the original Sex in the City
- Anything with Jodie Foster esp., Nyad, and True Detective
- Just books: Neal Gaiman's American Gods
- Boring sounds for middle of the night: BBC Radio, Rain from iTunes
- Life before computers - would we go back? Ahhhhh
- Buddhism, pain and suffering - I started to look this up and it was overwhelming. But maybe right. Especially when considering life after computers.
- The Dark Park (really called Cherry Springs State Park) for amazing stargazing in Coudersport.
- The Kinzua Skywalk - but get there before Nov. 19 - close to where the bike trip was!
- Weatherbury Farm Milling Certified Organic Estate Flours