We'll explore the area all around the super-hip KLVN Coffee Lab at 6600 Hamilton and see if we can cover 5 neighborhoods all in one route. (From that spot it's possible, as Pam once showed us.)
Last week we just made the sunrise and it was as advertised - providing the glow that lasted through our grateful return to the Tazza D'Oro, where there were too many people talking at once, but here's a sample:- When it's time to move out of the big house: how about an apartment in Maxon Towers? Is it already a NORC? Oy, do I have to think about this already?
- Crows - we love to see them taking off in the dawn - here's why they do.
- Watch: Offspring is back! (it will never leave.)
- Read: Mel Brooks, All About Me.
- Watch then read: Inside Melissa Clark's Home Kitchen - her Dinner cookbook
- Go: the bike/beer tour outlined by Virginia on Pittsburgh Magazine
- Sol Collective shoe store in Aspinwall.
- Make something with wool crafting supplies from the famous Pendleton Mills.
- Alterations Plus near Trader Joe's can give you good mending advice even if they can't fix it.