In last week's episode, we chalked up one more neighborhood - Spring Garden - in our ultimate quest to get to all 90 (is anyone keeping track?) - also taking in Troy Hill (see mural) and East Deutschtown (see pizza oven) sights while covering 15 blocks of the Strip and crossing 2 bridges. We climbed the dreaded Rialto and learned that it was once a running route for pigs headed for the slaughterhouse. (Sorry - that may have required a trigger warning.) We learned about the world-famous trove of relics at St. Anthony's. We were the first inside at Smallman Galley on a holiday Sunday. All before 8:30 am!
Smallman Galley proved to be a congenial place to hang out early on Sunday, with a hipper vibe than perhaps we deserved, and yummy muffins. We did miss the almond meles at La Prima and may sneak them in another time. This bathroom was far superior however.
As always, great endorsing:
- Amazing talent happening in Pittsburgh that we just come across almost randomly: John Edgar Wideman having an informal chat at the Homewood Library, and thrilling performance by poet and actor Daniel Beaty at Pitt.
- Threadbare Cider and Mead - very cool tours with everything you wanted to know about Johnny Appleseed in the Burgh, and the alcoholic delights of apples. Also rather generous sampling.
- Tripoli Street Bake Yard - bake your own pizza and have a party outside, also "receive training on fire and oven safety from the Pittsburgh Bureau of Fire." But is it over? We need to find out.
- MRI's - you can get them when you participate in UPMC studies - but do you want them? There's always something...
- On that depressing note, also the New Yorker article on predatory people grabbing the property and control of unsuspecting elderly, perfectly legally. Yikes!
- OK - we need something uplifting - watch the Wizard of Oz again!
- Also, this Miracle Klezmer Retrieval: Semer Ensemble (was here at the JCC. )