A perfect classic Schenley Park run last week - clear skies, leafy paths, lots of gab - just right. We happened on the two major improvements to the park that are underway: new separated bike paths around Phipps and new meadows on Bartlett. And after I lamented the dearth of endorsements last week, the group certainly stepped up to fill the gap this week:
- Quantum Theater's production of Tamara - unorthodox, unforgettable, and somewhat wild theater experience where your running training will come in handy, trust me. There isn't much time left, though - call soon if you want to go. Advice: follow Mario.
- From the sublime to the... How to deal with bloating: Beano, peppermint, or charcoal. (You eat charcoal?)
- For joint pain: Glucosamine & Chondroitin which needs to also have something called MSM
- Or, a chiropractor! Preferably one with some kind of knife that she/he pulls over your skin in some way that was described enticingly as "excruciating."
- Capetown as the most beautiful city anywhere, from another of our global voyagers
- The Renaissance Fair - not tacky, huge fun.
- Movie: Boyhood - apparently still at the Waterfront
- This one cannot be spelled out too clearly for fear the appointments will fill up, so it's just: Lynn, nails, Forward, across from bowling alley.