Sure doesn't feel like May - what is this, Canada? Oh, right - if it were, we'd have universal health insurance...
Back to the issue at hand: since we have numerous Marathon Men and Women in the group, the rest of us slackers will take off from our default location, Commonplace Coffee on Forbes to parts unknown.
Last week was a Lawrenceville run, led by moi, so I'm fairly biased - but it was awesome. It included:
a spontaneous visit (suggested by David) to the wild scene of Art All Night in a giant warehouse - admittedly a bit bleary in the morning light despite the sounds of heavy metal in the background
a sylvan trail along the river leading to the requisite bushwhacking across the railroad tracks

rays of sun lighting up the legendary stained glass pictures of Pittsburgh industry in the old bank building on Butler St. (now PNC)
blocks of adorable Victorian row houses, culminating in this
mind-blowingly decorated one (see photos)
tour of stunning Allegheny Cemetery with a brand new walkway complete with Bambi and friends
coffee at the super-hip Expresso a Mano where I ran into the chef of E2 getting her morning brew
AND endorsing
the amazingly quick return of Sarah!
Finding Vivian Maier at the Harris
using the rubber bands that supermarkets put on broccoli to exercise your hands and fingers
New York Times tells us yet again that running is the best -
this time for your skin
Evolve Mod Hair salon in Lawrenceville
NOT endorsing
edible marijuana
UPMC insurance cutoffs - taking us back to: Canada!